Hello! The dental study program I think is quite good, however, should have some modifications since in my opinion we should have more tools to be able to take care of the health of our patients and treat them more effectively and safely, some of these Changes that I would make in the study program of the dental career would be: Incorporate nutrition classes, because I think it is important to know about how much they harm or benefit certain foods and thus be able to guide the patient with their diet, perhaps not as specifically as a nutritionist, but to give a way to follow the patient to improve their diet and with this obtain a better prognosis for their pathology. Another thing that I would incorporate would be first aid classes because I think it is unheard of that as health personnel we do not know the basics about first aid, it could be that a patient is dying in front of us and we can not do anything with the tools that Currently we carry and that gave us the ...